Friday, March 19, 2010

Seven Most Common Fatigue Symptoms

Isn't it annoying or downright frustrating when you feel fatigue so early in the day that you don't have the strength to go through your normal activities? Sometimes, it's easier to just down three cups of coffee (or five, like I did, but so unhealthy) or go for a natural fatigue remedy like Taurox TaurImmune Fatigue. Although these natural fatigue treatments may give you the energy boost you'd like, sometimes, the problem of fatigue can be solved by knowing what causes it. Here are the top 7 symptoms that may cause your fatigue and give you the relief that you need:

1.    Allergies that may lead to hay fever or asthma.
Be aware of surroundings and see whether or not you may be exposed to allergens that might trigger an asthma attack or symptoms of hay fever. If you’re not sure whether or not you have hay fever or asthma, examine your family’s health. If you have family members who have asthma or hay fever, chances are, you might have the same condition. Long-term exposure to allergens may result to fatigue and irritability.

2.    Anemia.
Does your fatigue come with chest pain or lightheadedness, especially when you’re standing for long periods? You may have anemia which has fatigue and lack of energy as part of the symptoms. Other symptoms of anemia or iron deficiency anemia are pale skin and concentration difficulties, and shortness of breath.

3.    Grief/Depression.
You may have suffered some trauma or difficult situations in your life and this may cause the fatigue. It’s normal to feel down in the dumps for short periods because no one is spared from problems, but when you feel that your sadness lasts for longer periods and interferes with your everyday activity, you might be depressed. You may also have lost someone important in your life and grieving always causes fatigue.

4.    Persistent Pain.
When your body is given no rest when coping with persistent pain, fatigue sets in. The body has to work extra hard when you’re in pain because it is trying to protect you. If you feel that this is the cause for your fatigue, consult a medical practitioner and see whether he or she may prescribe pain alleviation medication.

5.    Sleep disorders. The body needs adequate rest in order to function properly. If you’re not getting enough sleep because of insomnia, sleep apnea, or narcolepsy, you will feel fatigue the rest of the day. Deal with sleep disorders and say goodbye to fatigue.

6.    Thyroid gland problems. When your thyroid gland produces more or fewer hormones that control metabolism, this may lead to fatigue that is a common symptom for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Check your hair and nails to see whether or not they are brittle. These are symptoms of hypothyroidism, including constipation, pale skin, and sensitivity to cold. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism symptoms include heat intolerance, frequent bowel movements, goiter, and an increased appetite.

7.    Regular use of alcohol or drugs.
Alcohol has sedative properties that may cause fatigue in a person. Cocaine and narcotics also has the same effect, especially if you are regularly using them.

Fatigue can result from a multitude of causes, but these seven are the most common. Observe yourself for a few days and see whether or not you recognize other symptoms.As with other health problems, understanding what causes fatigue and eliminating them is the key to a fatigue-free life. Once you have pinpointed the cause, then you’ll be better able to cope with fatigue, especially when using Taurimmune Fatigue.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Three Questions to Ask Yourself about Fatigue

It’s normal to feel fatigue once in a while. Fatigue is when you feel tired or do not have the energy to go about your normal routines. Fatigue can also be described as a feeling of weariness or tiredness. Fatigue is natural when you have exercised or exerted physical effort. We also feel fatigue when we have not gotten enough sleep at night or when we’re feeling bored. However, fatigue may also be a symptom of an underlying medical or psychological condition. Fatigue is rarely a symptom of a more serious disease, so don’t worry. So how do we know when to seek medical help? Here are three questions you can ask yourself when you’re feeling fatigue:

1.    Is my fatigue relieved by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, taking time to relax, or any natural therapy?

If your fatigue goes away with getting eight hours of sleep or eating a well-balanced diet, then your fatigue is manageable. Some people seek homeopathic remedies such as Taurox Taurimmune Fatigue and realize that’s all they need. Remember to always seek natural fatigue remedies as chemical substances may cause more harm than good.

2.    Does my fatigue come with other conditions?

Fatigue that comes with other conditions, such as headaches, dizziness, confusion or blurred vision must be consulted with health professionals. If you also feel that you have not urinated or produced a lesser volume of urine or noticed some swelling or weight gain, call your doctor.

Here are other conditions that signal that you need a doctor to examine your fatigue symptoms:

•    Fever
•    Weight Loss/Weight Gain
•    Constipation
•    Waking up several times through the night
•    Dry Skin
•    Sensitivity to cold
•    Depression
•    Insomnia
•    Taking prescription or non-prescription drugs that may cause fatigue

3.    Does my fatigue follow a pattern?

You can also examine whether or not your fatigue has a pattern. This will help your doctor in determining what causes your fatigue. You might notice that you don’t feel fatigue in the early mornings but feel very tired after you do something. This pattern might mean that you have thyroid problems. However, if you wake up in the morning and immediately feel fatigue throughout the day, you might have depression.

These three questions will help you determine what your next step will be if you feel fatigue. People’s fatigue varies greatly. Some feel great after taking natural fatigue remedies while others don’t feel an effect. But the worst thing that you can do is to ignore your fatigue, so give Taurimmune Fatigue a try.
